Saturday, November 8, 2008

Feeling Great

Despite having a nasty head cold this week, I am feeling so great! It is almost as if I have forgotten I have Crohn's Disease...gasp! The new diet must be working and while it is not very easy to be on a grain-free, sugar-free and lactose-free diet, I am making it through and only miss the guilty foods a few times a day.

Today we had our weekly group run along the canal and met with a nutritionist afterward which was very helpful. I took it easy this past week but am hoping as my cold leaves I will be able to increase the mileage.

In fund raising news, I will be having a Happy Hour at Front Page on December 4th, I am still waiting on the drink specials but then I will send out an evite. I am happy to report, the bake sale ended up raising a total of $200 after a few more donations trickled in, which I am very happy about!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I'm going to try to attend your Happy Hour Fundraiser... even though you skipped out on Chris & mine this past week. I'm kidding of course. :-)

I'm glad your new diet is working well. I'd like to try a sugar-free diet.... I've taken out lots of my dairy and replaced it with soy products. Whole Foods has great soy yogurt that I put wheat germ on... mmmm!

Keep up the good work!! :-)