Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Are we there yet.....

With only a few weeks left I keep having that constant thought in my head, "Are we there yet...." It is not that I am ready for the experience to be over, but I feel ready for the race and want to get that part over with. For anyone that has ever thought about doing a training program....Please make that a resolution for 2009! There is something so powerful about being part of something bigger then yourself. Most of us who set out to do this had never even run 10Ks before let alone 13.1 miles. They make the program so that you train gradually and take baby steps. And along the way you meet amazing people and once you are done with the fund raising you get this sense of accomplishment that is indescribable. Sure there are going to be days you don't feel like running (or even a whole week in my case) and the fundraising is stressful but in the end it is worth it. So I encourage everyone to set a goal even if it is on your own and work towards it!

This past weekend about half the team met in DC and I ran with Laura a fellow (and faster) runner for 10.5 miles. I was aiming for 11 but somehow messed up the distance, but at least I got a chance to taste the interesting "gu" that you ingest once you are an hour or so into the run to give you more energy. More energy I am not so sure about....nasty taste in my mouth definitely! I am going to experiment with more products in the next few weeks. I also did a fast 3.5 mile run on Sunday which left me really tired from that and the day before but I am very pleased with my times. I hope everyone is staying dry these next few days....it is not helping to make me motivated to run, I will tell you that much!

PS: The picture is from our run on Saturday. Notice that there are no boys....we have a few going but most dropped out.....interesting!